Wubba lubba dub dub!  We've teamed up with the dynamic duo to offer up the official Cloaking Hoodie!

Perfect for hiding your Rick! 

UPDATE: The Cloaking Hoodie sold out instantly! We apologize to those who didn't get the chance to buy one. 

We've been trying to keep a tight lid on this one for a minute, but the time has finally come to let the Rick out the bag. We're very happy to announce our latest collaboration with the dynamic duo: Rick and Morty!

For those who are unaware, Rick and Morty is by far one of the most intelligent, funniest shows we've seen in years and we're more than excited to work with them on this new piece. The hoodie was designed around the cloaking matrix Rick created in season one of the series. For those who haven't seen the episode, you can watch it for free here

Edition of 150